Since 2010, I have developed various Aalborg University (AAU)-related LaTeX-templates for my reports, thesis, presentations, and posters. I have also shared these with the rest of the world and received a lot of positive feedback on them. Thanks!
Unfortunately, I am not a Ph.D.-student anymore so I do not have amble time anymore to keep refining templates alone. Therefore, I have moved them all to Github where I hope the themes can be further refined by a small community.
On this page, I have only retained some useful links as well as the user comments. Note that I have closed the tread so new comments are not possible to make. If you have any comments, please leave them at the Github page instead.
- My Github repository for all the templates.
- The user manual for the beamer theme.
- The awesome user manual for the TikZ package which can be used for creating beautiful graphics in LaTeX. You should really also take a look at the user manual for the PGFPlots package if you have some data to plot. PGFPlots is based on TikZ.
- The baposter class which the AAU poster theme is based on.
- The officiel website for the AAU artwork.
- A very good and thorough introduction to LaTeX (in Danish) by Lars Madsen.