**************************************************** * This is the changelog for the * AAU sidebar beamer theme **************************************************** **************************************************** * v. 1.4.0 * 2014-09-13 **************************************************** - The theme can now handle TikZ externalisation **************************************************** * v. 1.3.0 * 2013-05-26 **************************************************** - the AAU waves background are now easier to remove and include on individual slides - an eps-version of the aau-waves background is now also included - all graphics is now moved to the folder AAUgraphics - the title page is no longer counted as a frame by default - added a final page has been added - use numbers instead of a picture as default for the references - removed the sfmath math font since it is not in MikTeX's repository - updated the documentation **************************************************** * v. 1.2.0 * 2013-05-10 **************************************************** - changed the title page layout - added the option to move the sidebar to the left - updated the documentation - changed the logo to an official AAU logo (to comply with the AAU design guidelines) - code clean-up - changed the name from aausidebar/aau sidebar to AAU sidebar - the theme is now an official AAU theme **************************************************** * v. 1.1.0 * 2013-03-13 **************************************************** - removed a vertical line through the logo which appeared in some pdf-viewers - changed the title page layout **************************************************** * v. 1.0.0 * 2013-03-10 **************************************************** - updated the visuals of the theme. This includes * The new AAU logo * The new AAU colour theme * A new font - updated the documentation - added a logo to the title page **************************************************** * v. 0.3.1 * 2011-09-09 **************************************************** - Bug-fix: In v. 0.2.0 and v. 0.3.0, the width option did not work. This has been fixed in the current version. - The documentation has been slightly updated **************************************************** * v. 0.3.0 * 2011-01-28 **************************************************** - Added the "shownavsym" option which enables the beamer navigation symbols - Update of the documentation **************************************************** * v. 0.2.0 * 2010-09-18 **************************************************** - The theme file has been split up from one file and into the following files > beamerthemeaausidebar.sty > beamerinnerthemeaausidebar.sty > beamerouterthemeaaudisebar.sty > beamercolorthemeaausidebar.sty in order to use the same structure as the other beamer themes. - The outer, inner and color theme can now loaded individually and used together with other themes. - Defined a new color element "aau sidebar" whose foreground and background colors are the color of the vertical bar and the color of the remaining aau logo. This makes it easy for the user to change and use these colors through the setbeamercolor and usebeamercolor commands. - Added new option "lightheaderbg" which changes the header background from dark blue to white - The colors of the frame number node now depends on the sidebar colors. - Some code clean-up **************************************************** * v. 0.1.0 * 2010-09-06 **************************************************** - the first version of the theme